Town of Sharon Planning Board

Draft Meeting Minutes of 2/29/12

Approved 3/21/12

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Susan Price, Chair

Anne Bingham

Eli Hauser, Vice Chair - absent

Pat Pannone, Clerk 

David Milowe

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer



Brian Simpson 30 Mann’s Hill Road

Joel Fishman, Attorney

Gale Simpson 30 Mann’s Hill Road

Alice Cheyer

David Simpson 45 Richards Road



Chair Report

Ms. Price called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and reviewed the Chair’s Report. Ms. Price read a letter from Attorney Lisa Whelan to Joe Kent regarding the proposed solar farm on Commercial Street.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Bingham moved to approve the minutes of 2/1/12 as written. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-1 in favor. Mr. Milowe abstained as he was not present at that meeting.


Mr. Milowe moved to approve the minutes of 2/15/12 as amended. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-1 in favor. Mr. Pannone abstained as he was not present at that meeting.


Bella Estates Bond

At the 2/15/12 Planning Board meeting Ms. Bingham moved to direct Town Engineer Peter O’Cain to seek a bond from 155 -157 N. Main Street with a deadline of June 15, 2012 be set to complete the work and that the is bond issued by an approved insurance entity. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor.


At tonight’s meeting, Mr. O’Cain provided the Board with a summary document requesting the developer of Bella Estates subdivision, 155 -157 North Main Street post an abutter mitigation performance bond in the amount of $30,000 . An abutter list and associated costs was attached. He requested that the Board vote tonight on this bond amount. He stated that the applicant needs to come back with the bond, to the Board.  Mr. Milowe said he wants to ensure that the bonding company is approved by the Town Treasurer. Mr. O’Cain said he would confirm that.


Mr. Milowe moved to accept the bond received for abutter mitigation at Bella Estates based on Peter O’Cain’s memorandum dated February 29, 2012 with the set amount of $30,000. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Ms. Bingham expressed that she feels there is a lack of clarity with who has the Homeowners Agreement. She asked Mr. O’Cain to contact 155-157 North Main Street and ask them to provide all current Bella Estates homeowners with a letter about the HOA agreement that states they need to be aware they are responsible for the roads, water, etc.


ANR 45 Richards RoadAvenue

Peter O’Cain reviewed the ANR Plan with the Board. One parcel of land is to be split off to the owner of the land. Some land will be conveyed to the Sharon Conservation Commission at Town Meeting via vote, for $130,000. This ANR is a subdivision of a non-buildable lot which results in a smaller non-buildable lot and adds land to an existing house lot. The frontage on both lots remains the same. No new road is being created.


Mr. Milowe moved to accept the ANR Plan for 45 Richards Avenue with the survey date of 2/3/12 and finding approval not required under the subdivision regulation control law. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of approval.


Kendall Funds

The Board discussed the use of the Kendall funds. Ms. Bingham moved to take $1000.00 from the Kendall Fund to reimburse the consulting line item within the Planning Board budget to repay the $1000.00 paid to Tom Houston for consulting services. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Adult Use Article

Ms. Price briefly discussed the language changes she made to the article.



Mr. O’Cain explained the Tedeschi proposal that will be presented at the meeting of 3/21. He showed the existing condition of the plan and said the proposal is for an 8x33 cooler addition on the structure. Mr. O’Cain did not yet receive any architectural renderings. He said in his review he stated that more details were needed including the sprinkler system, piping in the ground and more overall details. He also said that the Fire Department would need to test the gas tanks. He said it is the Planning Board’s responsibility per section 6335 of the Zoning Regulations to review signs, lights, parking, loading, exterior, building façade and landscaping buffers. He also stated that both the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals review the plans. The Planning Board sends their findings to the ZBA and the ZBA writes comments. The ZBA is the special permit granting authority.





Ms. Price said she attended a MAPC meeting and understands that the 40R program is out of funds as of June 30th. She wrote a note to Jenny Raitt about Sharon Commons to ask what this exactly means and she awaits a response.



Mr. Pannone moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM and Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor of adjournment.



1. 2/29/12 Bond Recommendations for Abutter Mitigation Measurers at Bella Estates from Peter O’Cain.

2. Form A for 45 Richards Road Subdivision Plan

3. 2/16/12 letter from Attorney Whelan to Building Inspector, Joe Kent regarding the proposed solar farm on Commercial Street.